Анкета Богдана Мужикова ВКонтакте

Фотография Богдана Мужикова ВКонтакте

Богдан Мужиков

Харьков, Украина

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26 октября

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31 марта 2013 в 21:03

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Де́ятельность — process of active interaction of the subject with the world during which time the subject satisfies any requirements. It is possible to name activity any activity of the person to which he gives some sense., the EXAMPLE: If the person goes on desert and it sweats from a heat, not activity, this reflex action. But if this person - the actor who is acting in film in advertizing of a deodorant, and in the given scene it has to sweat, because so is written to scenarios, the sweating becomes for it quite intelligent action and consequently turns to activity., activity can be divided into stages. It is possible to allocate as stages involving process in activity, process of designing of actions, process of realization of actions, process of the analysis of results of actions and their comparison with objects in view. Number and the maintenance of the stages, which different researchers allocate in activity, is defined exclusively by problems and the purposes of the researcher. Activity models in this case are under construction of reasons of convenience, utility and sufficiency., study, sports, rest, Activity is a form of activity of the person, directed on the world surrounding it. Any activity consists at least of three components: the purposes, process and result

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Учебные заведения


Гимназия № 86, 1999 – 2007


ХНУ им. В. Н. Каразина (бывш. ХГУ им. Горького) 1945

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

в активном поиске

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Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

★ - it is not important that about me people speak, that they tell the main thing and spend the time... ★ - Wash tasty soap, and smell it is tasty! ★ - I do not smoke and I do not speak where treat with a normal high!!! ★ - Nehotite of problems? Don't get! ★ - Mow under me? Mow! ★ - I am not afraid, I already died... ★ - I don't search for the significant other - I was born the WHOLE! ★ - Good evening I the dispatcher! ★ - While they drank vodka and went for a drive on скейте, we built business and gained money... ★ - don't write "Greetings. How are you doing?" - write at once on business. ╔══════════════════════════════ ║✔Music: .......██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Game: .......██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Internet:.....██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Смех:.........██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Счастье:.....██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Спорт:........██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Любовь:......██████████ 100% ║============================== ║✔Сон: ...........█[][][][][][][][][] 0.01% ║============================== ╚═══════════════════════════════

Мои интересы

Interest: (from an armor. interest - matters important), 1) in sociology - the real reason of social actions underlying direct promptings - motives, ideas and etc. - individuals participating in them, social groups. 2) In psychology - the relation of the person to a subject as to something for it valuable, attractive. The maintenance and character of interest are connected as with a structure and dynamics of motives and requirements of the person, and with character of forms and means of development of the validity which he owns.

Любимые телешоу

БРЕД:симптом психического расстройства, проявляющийся в ложных суждениях, умозаключениях, которые имеют лишь субъективное обоснование и не поддаются коррекции

Любимые книги

THE BOOK:The acyclic edition in the form of the stitched sheets of a printing material (volume more than 48 pages); a news media. One of the most ancient forms of the book - the roll (4-3 thousand BC), about 2-4 centuries was replaced with the code. The basic materials for book manufacturing: the papyrus, about 2 century BC - parchment and about 13 century (in Europe) - a paper. In a classical antiquity and in the book Middle Ages made multiple copies by copying. The xylographie was the first way of plural reproduction of the book. As the first printing book consider the text reproduced ксилографическим by a way in Korea during the period with 704 on 751. Publishing occurrence (in China - in 11 century, in Europe - in sulfurs. 15 century) have led to sharp growth of release of books. Publishing see

Любимая музыка

(From греч. musike letters. - art of muses), an art form in which as means of an embodiment of artistic images definitely organized musical sounds serve. Basic elements and expressive means of music - a harmony, a rhythm, meter, rate, громкостная dynamics, a timbre, a melody, harmony, polyphony, instrumentation. Music is fixed in a musical notation and realized in the course of execution. Division of music on secular and spiritual is accepted. The basic area of a sacred music - cult (most ancient of remained nowadays - music of Buddhist ritual). Development of the European musical theory of the musical letter, musical pedagogics is connected With the European cult music (usually named church). On performing means music is subdivided on vocal (singing), tool (Musical instruments see) and vokalno-tool. Music is often combined with a choreography, theatrical art, cinema. Distinguish music одноголосную (монодия) and многоголосную (a homophony, polyphony). Music is subdivided: on childbirth and kinds - theatrical (an opera, and etc.), symphonic, chamber, etc.; on genres - the song, a choral, dance, a march, a symphony, a suite, a sonata, etc. are peculiar to Pieces of music the certain, rather steady typical structures (the Musical form see).

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Want to live beautifully?
We live to work not for this purpose, we work to live.

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I trust in myself and god

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