Анкета Shamil Jones ВКонтакте

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Shamil Jones

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06 июня 2016 в 16:04

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1.Breaking your computer or network. 2. зарабатывать деньги. 3. Exploring your body . 4. Making you fall in love, unless you've too stupid with many toyboys around. 5 other ones, not your business

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Параметры анкеты


Международная школа медицины МУК (International School of Medicine)

Семейное положение и семья

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не женат

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What you will do with your life before your death in the last age in which real human life was worth the effort of being lived. isn't their business nor our concern; it is just your turn and your chance. It may be a fantastic monument, an exact blueprint, a terrible arson, a fersome virus, a shocking exception, a wonderful firework or simply a silent waste of cogs and screws in the large engine- probably nobody has duty nor right to care for it, nor they deserved you give a FCUK about them. Social duties and reproductive instincts in the post-industrial age without faith and without future, overcrowded by treacherous cowards, for the cultured and informed, gladly or sadly, mean less than zero. There is only you in a race with yourself in the direction you can decide, within the limits of the possible, exploiting the mechanics of the system. The meaning or its absence is up to you; what is victory or defeat, you decide. God or devil, your delusion. Build or destroy, your choice. Just live and die fighting for what is worth for you, your way, today. Whatever you like of what you can do, at your risk and for your sake - go ahead and do it. That's all there is to do- all you were born to die for".

Любимые цитаты

"Luck is living. Destiny is dying. Success is fighting. Death is conforming".

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