Анкета Harrypotter Muhamadali ВКонтакте

Фотография Harrypotter Muhamadali ВКонтакте

Harrypotter Muhamadali

33 года, Одесса, Украина

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Дата рождения

1 сентября 1990

Полных лет

33 года

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31 марта 2012 в 06:36

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I personally feel that getting your driver's license and getting your first car (maybe not at the same time!) are also a form of Rites of Passages in our culture today. For those who have asked me how to send a congratulations to a friend or relative who have achieved these goals, here are some examples: "Congratulations on getting your driver's license! With this freedom, also comes a great need for maturity and sensibility as you experience all that driving will bring into your life. You now also have something in common with every other driver on the road. What is it? That we all have horrible driver's license photos that we don't want anyone else to see. You have now become one of us!" I think we all remember our first car, whether it was brand new or second hand. Our first car represented a public symbol of freedom and maturity. We have finally graduated from riding in the back seat of mom and dad's car to being in the driver's seat ourselves. Here is an example of a congratulations note: "You've finally arrived in that time in life when a person goes from a two-wheel bike to a 4-wheel ___(name of car)__! Although a dog may be considered "man's best friend", your car will become even closer and dearer to you, as you share many memories: good and bad. Take care of it and it will be faithful to you. Trust me when I say, no one ever forgets their first car. I wish you safe roads and wonderful memories."

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Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky On the Road Kerouac Alice in Wonderland Carrol Brothers Karamozov Dostoevsky The Age of Innocence Wharton Don Quixote Cervantes Perfume Suskind Ulysses Joyce Anna Karenina Tolstoy Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor Cry the Beloved Country Paton Dracula Stoker The Eagles Die Marek Emotionally Weird Atkinson The Handmaid’s Tale Atwood Infinite Jest Wallace Kitchen Yoshimoto London Fields Amis Moise and the World of Reason Williams Movie Wars Rosenbaum Paradise Lost Milton Persuasion Austen Tortilla Curtain Boyle Visions of Excess Bataille Where the Wild Things Are Sendak Wild Sheep Chase Murakami Beloved Morrison Counterfeiters Gide The Bell Jar Plath Blind Owl Hedayat Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas Dealing With Dragons Wrede The Earthsea Trilogy Le Guin The Ecology of Fear Davis Franny and Zooey Salinger History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Alvarez Kabuki: Circle of Blood Mack & Jiang Of Human Bondage Maugham The Satanic Verses Rushdie The Sheltering Sky Bowles Tristam Shandy Sterne Well of Loneliness Hall Wicked Pavilion Powell Collected Stories of V.S. Pritchett War and Peace Tolstoy Babel 17 Delany Dora Freud Empire Falls Russo For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway Girl in Landscape Letham Goodbye to All That Graves Ham on Rye Bukowski Like Life Lorrie Moore Mao II Delillo Random Family Leblanc Revolutionary Road Yates The Stranger Camus Humboldt’s Gift Bellow White Noise Delillo Atlas Shrugged Rand Bastard Out of Carolina Allison Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills Bukowski Delta of Venus Nin Fast Food Nation Schlosser Ficciones Borges Go Ask Alice Anonymous Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Adams Iliad Homer On Photography Sontag Republic Plato Shockproof Sydney Skate Meaker Society of the Spectacle Debord Strangers in Paradise Moore The Sun Also Rises Hemingway A Wrinkle In Time L’Engle Dubliners Joyce The Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut No Logo Klein Aeneid Virgil Ariel Plath Charlotte’s Web White Curious George Learns the Alphabet Rey Enormous Changes at the Last Minute Paley The Heart is a Lonely Hunter McCullers Henry VIII Shakespeare I, Claudius Graves The Lost Continent Bryson Master and Margarita Bulgakov

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mather fuckers ye ye ey ey aaaaaaaaaaa\

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